Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Google delays open access to new tablet software
Google unveiled Android 3.0, known as Honeycomb, earlier this year, billing it as the first version of its Android operating system designed from the ground up for use in tablet PCs. Honeycomb software is already available on the Motorola Mobility Xoom tablet, which went on sale in February.
The software represents Google's first dedicated effort to challenge the dominance of Apple's iPad in the nascent tablet PC market.
But Google said it will not immediately make its Honeycomb software available as open source code, the company's traditional practice with Android whereby any developers are free to modify the software as they see fit. The reason for the delay, Google said, was because Honeycomb was not ready to be customized for use on smartphones.
"While we're excited to offer these new features to Android tablets, we have more work to do before we can deliver them to other device types including phones," a Google spokeswoman said in an emailed statement.
"We're committed to providing Android as an open platform across many device types and will publish the source as soon as it's ready," the statement said.
The spokeswoman said there was no timeline at the moment for when Honeycomb would be available as open source software.
News of the delay was first reported by Bloomberg Businessweek on Thursday.
Previous versions of Google's two-year-old Android software have primarily been used in smartphones. Google became the No. 1 smartphone operating system in the world in the fourth quarter of 2010, according to research firm Canalys.
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Monday, March 28, 2011
The Unique Features of Touch Screen Phones

Many people have a hard time deciding which touch screen phone to pick because of the many types of touch screen phones that are available on the market today. The industry has grown in leaps and bounds over the last 3 years, with the development and introduction of the many kinds of touch screen phones and smartphone. Sometimes it's possible for people to be confused with the options because most touch phones have a similar interface. Although they may go by different names, many still have much of the same features in common. You will have to decide which OS system is ideal for you and what kind of applications you will be using the most. Since there are some applications that are cross-platform, or operate on all the various OS systems that are available, you will have to put this into consideration as well.
Many a touch screen phone will have a large screen with a touchable surface; usually finger friendly as is seen in phones that are powered by Operating Systems such as Android, Apple’s iOS and others like the Windows Phone series. Even the long time smart phone king of the hill, BlackBerry recently introduced its own Blackberry OS 6 that allows for more touch screen interaction as was showcased in the company’s flagship phone, the BlackBerry Torch 9800.
The market for touch screen phones has grown tremendously ever since the release of the iPhone. Many experts have shared the view that the iPhone was really a game changer. There are a lot of things that a touch screen phone uses that come from the PDA device - one of the original touch devices that used a touch optimized interface. Most touch screen phones have mass appeal to many consumers because of their user interface and experience, which makes the phones attractive. Their simple use and device sophistication is a real bonus for many, as well as the often included features of a dual camera, the ability to share video and content via the internet and mobile applications support. The mobile application is actually the main deciding factor for many consumers. Many people will opt for a phone that has broad compatibility with various applications, so they can use the applications on their touch phone.
The application store has real sway for the majority of consumers, and with mobile applications growing in number and importance; it is no surprise to see where the future of mobile cellphones will be.
How Smart Phones Have Impacted the Mobile Phone Industry

Over the past decade the mobile phone industry has evolved at a generation changing breakneck speed. These all in one devices have gone beyond just filling a need but creating a whole new product class and mode of communication. The smartphone has become one of the fastest selling items on the market today.
Even though the first smart phone was released way back in 1992, it was only in the past few years that they were able to gain their popularity and become one of those “must have” items. These are not just computers slapped onto cell phones; they use their own proprietary operating systems and feature hundreds of thousands of applications specific to the devices. Consumers have almost as many models to choose from to suit their needs and lifestyle. Technology was the key to revolutionizing this part of the mobile phone industry. Advances in wireless speeds, processing power, touch screen input and battery life. Initially they made their way on to the scene in the form of PDA’s enticing the business community by allowing them to use their smartphones as organizers, and instant email for budgeting, recording project hours, important data. Fortunately for the rest of us as the technology developed it also became more affordable and practical for everyone. People have grown to expect more from their phones.
There are a wide range of smartphones available, including early leaders like Palm devices and the BlackBerry developed by RIM, and used by countless business people with simple yet elegant features. Some of the characteristics that make BlackBerry different from the other smartphones on the market is its ability to store data for a long period of time, and elimination of a power button, full keyboard, incredible battery life as well as its durability. The Apple iPhone helped reintroduce touch screen technology to smartphones and create a system for downloading applications and content through a synchronized platform. This has become standard practice for all the major smartphone producers. Now it’s not just the business crowd that insists on carrying smartphones, but just about anyone who feels the need to access information anywhere and stay in touch with their friends and family around the world. L
As Smartphone technology changes quickly from year to year, consumers are always on the lookout for the next generation of surprises and features. They are ready for the new models even as they power up their current ones. Who knows what they will be capable of in the near future, but one thing is for sure that they are here to stay. This also means that people have a lot to look forward in a device to carry with them everywhere to help them better enjoy and succeed in their lives.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
D.C. area has worst cellphone reception
The region has the worst cellphone reception among the top 27 cellular markets, according to a new study by J.D. Power and Associates. In our area, 18 out of every 100 calls is affected by static, echoes, or is dropped altogether, the report found.
The study doesn’t explain why we’re a giant reception-sucking dead zone, but it appears switching carriers won’t make much difference. AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint had virtually the same number of problem calls on average in the Mid-Atlantic region. IPhone and other smartphone users had worst reception on average than callers using lower-tech handsets.
Overall, the study found improvement in call quality has halted. The reasons: More callers are using smartphones and more calls are being made indoors, where reception problems are more likely to occur.
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By Justin Jouvenal
Monday, March 21, 2011
Why Smartphones are Smarter?

It seems only a decade or so ago, no one would have imagined that we might be using mini-computers as phones. The smartphones that are being produced today are capable of a wide range of functions. No longer are phones simply used for making calls. Smartphones gained their name as a new class of mobile device that acts as a hybrid between a cell phone and personal computer. Cell phone manufactures like Nokia and RIM the producers of the Blackberry helped introduce these phones into our arsenal of necessary business tools. The Apple iPhone was instrumental in making it an item that everyone could use. Now software companies like Google and Microsoft are teaming with cell phone manufactures like Motorola HTC and Samsung to try and keep up with the public’s increasing desires and needs.
But the real question lies in just what makes these phones better or smarter. Its all about the features that make these phones so smart. One of the most exciting and notable features is their use of dedicated operating systems for these mobile phones. As mentioned above companies like Apple have created the iOS that can sync with all their devices, the Rim BlackBerry mobile uses the BlackBerry OS, and Microsoft has made a deal with Nokia to be the exclusive provider of an OS for their products. Google the search engine giant stormed on the scene with their Android operating system, which is now integrated into millions of smartphones. These powerful gadgets allow us to be online anywhere we go. Mobile phone operating systems have become more and more sophisticated, offering hundreds of thousands of downloadable applications from utilities that help with accounting, or organizing, or reference and educational tools. Printed news papers, magazines and even books are in fear that their days are numbered as people use their smartphones to consume their news and information. The latest music, television shows, movies, and games can all be found on these incredible devices. Many even have HD still and video cameras that can shoot, edit, and upload images directly to your favorite social networking sites. The capabilities of these phones are evolving rapidly year to year adding better connectivity, QWERTY keyboards, touch screens and improved software.
By including Smartphones in their product lines mobile companies have blurred the line between computers and phones. Perhaps just as home phone lines have become a thing of the past, so shall home computers? But at times it not just about the practicality of the smartphones but also the emotional feeling they give. Smartphone makers know that these have become quintessential fashion accessories, and that the phone that we choose can say a lot about us. Design and feel have become key features, along with processing speed and storage space. There is no better example of this than the Apple iPhone, one of the most popular and sexy phones on the market. The money that people used to spend on luxury cars or on their clothing now goes towards their smartphones.
Will a smartphone make you smatter? That’s probably up to how you use this powerful and fun accessory. With a rainbow of models to choose from it all comes down to which one best suits your personality. At least for the near future we can all look forward to great new advances from manufactures like Apple, Nokia, Motorola, HTC, Lenovo, and Samsung, as well as the software providers like Google, Microsoft, and Apple.
The True Worth of the Smart Phone

The exponential increase in the use of mobile or cellular phones across the globe has helped in the technological advancement and research of this electronic device in countries from China and Japan to the United States and European nations. The amount of effort and money that is actually put into research in this field may seem ridiculously high, but it can’t be denied that it has made life a lot easier for people from several walks of life. There seems to be a phone made especially for you, whatever your particular lifestyle, work atmosphere or personal likes and dislikes.
There are a number of brands on the market that seem to be a favorite among both men and women, young and old, professionals and home workers. However, one of the most popular phones today is the Smartphone. To understand how it’s used has become synonymous with success, so let’s look into the history and progression of the normal cellular phone into the ultimate technological success story that we call the Smartphone.
Initially, the use of cell phones was extremely limited and there was a very small percentage of the population who used them or even felt the need for them. People relied more or less on regular home telephones for their personal use. Like they say, ‘You don’t miss what you don’t have’. They were mostly used by professionals and entrepreneurs, and even then to a very small extent. As more and more companies started exploring this untapped market, the use of cellular phones gradually increased. These earlier phones were very basic and large in size. With growing competition between various companies, the mobile phones progressed by leaps and bounds. The larger size was trimmed down to a sleeker, easier-to-handle version and more and more applications were added to it. By this time, the use of cell phones was so common that it was impossible to visualize life without them. What was supposed to be a means of communication between people became a symbol of success for some, while for others it became a part of their day to day routines.
The BlackBerry Smartphone is not just a cellular phone. It is a phone combined with a high-tech computer that you can carry with you anywhere and everywhere. Complete applications and software can be downloaded onto it. In other words, it is a computer combined with a cell phone. People no longer wonder if they should use Smart phones or not. It is simply something they can’t do without. It is a hand-held computer with advanced features that is easy to use even for the layman.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Avoid speeding tickets using your GPS or Smart Phone
Just recently, Baltimore has placed new speed cameras throughout their city and authorities are already enforcing the speed limits by recently sending out 1,400 traffic citations through the mail. Drivers were warned for six weeks prior to the mailings but speeders have still ignored the signs that were placed in the areas of interest.
Want to avoid these surprise traffic citations? There is a great application out on the market called PhantomAlert that warns drivers of nearby speed traps, speed cameras, DUI check points and other hazards that you may encounter when driving.
The company has more than 400,000 points of interest in their database and are continually adding more by reports from users who spot areas where there are check points or cameras. The company also checks these hot spots for accuracy so drivers are not mislead by the systems warnings. Drivers will have plenty of time to slow down before approaching surveillance areas so that traffic tickets can be avoided.
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Some more knowledge about the mobile phone industry

With the Mobile Phones this becoming a necessity of life of all the users, it is too conventional that these mobile phones market can never go out of the business. Knowing these several mobile operative companies keeps developing the latest technology of mobile phones with the advanced features each and every time. Even from time to time a new king of the mobile phone is established in the market of mobile phone to struggle with the others and to capture its own share in the market of mobile phone. These mobile markets were raised so high after the introducing of the smart phones which have the hottest features for the best utilized manner of the mobile phones. There you may find the many companies with their best products and these companies fight always to each other to become the king of the mobile industry.
Here I give the approx information about the different companies as how they covered the mobile market. As per statistics about the 80 percent of the entire mobile phone markets are captured by the basic mobile phones and the normal multimedia mobile phones. The rest of 20 percent are occupied by the Smartphones. The most important mobile operator companies who have the highest share in the mobile market industry are the Nokia: about 36% to 37 %, LG: 9% to 10%, Samsung: 21% to 22% RIM: about 3 % and Sony Ericsson: about 3%. There have many other popular manufacturers just like BlackBerry, Apple Inc., HTC but there overall share of mobile market are too limited.
A multimedia mobile phone has a number of extra features along with the crucial features. It may have the features of mp3 player, camera, Bluetooth, video recorder, access to internet, games and a high storage memory capacity than normal mobile phones. The Smartphone has all the features of a multimedia mobile phone but these are vaguely advanced and have many further applications. The PDA Phones and the WI-FI are too well-organized and trendy which can allow the users to improve their personal and professional style of working much happily. All these devices would certainly meet all our high-end necessities without any problems. They may support the most of the technologies and can also be coordinated with the many systems without any problems or difficulties.
Monday, March 14, 2011
You can do any types of work with the latest cell phones

In the first years of their introduction, people used telephones only for talking and communication purposes. Telephones achieved huge popularity all over the world and revolutionized the way in which people communicated with each other. But technological improvements were soon to change the way telephones worked. Soon came the introduction of cell phones, which allowed people to communicate with each other wirelessly. This meant that you could always be connected to your friends and family, no matter where you were. Further improvements have since been made to cell phones, making them able to fulfill a wide range of functions, which has made them invaluable to the lives of many people.
One of the key uses for mobile phones is the address book, that is common on all phones. This feature holds all of your friend’s telephone numbers in the phones memory. This has removed the need to remember any long numbers. Now cell phones can not only remember all of your key numbers, but will also tell you who is calling you. The first mobile device was made by Dr Martin Cooper in 1973. Cooper’s invention has since changed beyond recognition, as many mobile phone brands compete to introduce the latest technology, making mobile phones capable of carrying out a wide range of functions. The most recent development, is the introduction of smart phones that allow the user to do a number of things, such as seeing a live picture of the person you are talking to, in video calling. Another popular feature is the ability to send and receive any type of data between mobile phones.
These new services and features are becoming extremely simple to use, as technology progresses. Today a mobile phone is not used just for communication purposes, but is used to fulfill business and entertainment needs. Most new mobile phones now include a GPS facility, which allows the user to see their location and desired destination, all on their mobile phone screen. With Bluetooth connectivity, it is possible to send and receive data between mobile phones wirelessly. The internet browser plays a vital role in mobile internet use. Most mobile phones are now able to connect to and browse the internet in the same way you would on a computer.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
GPS Enabled Handsets

A mobile phone that contains a GPS-type facility will give you many benefits. If you are going to an unknown place, you can use the GPS to find your location and your desired destination, with ease. By using your GPS service, you have an advantage in that you can see your exact location on your mobile phone. With your Smartphone, a GPS service is generally inbuilt, meaning you can see the map on your mobile screen, which will give you an idea of the entire whole location area. The GPS service was first developed for use by the American military force. This service was, at first, only made available for the U.S security who used the GPS to find their current location in relation to their target. This technology was a huge success in the military and has since achieved great popularity amongst many consumers, which resulted in the introduction of GPS in mobile phones.
The term GPS is short for Global Positioning System and this technology is now widely available for public use. Early users of this technology had to cope with slow speeds in processing and delivering information, but with increased technological advances, the speed of GPS is constantly increasing. As the latest GPS mobile phones and Smartphones come with new features and applications that use information from the GPS system to help the user meet their needs even more efficiently.
So if you’re considering purchasing a GPS enabled Smartphone, then you are making a wise decision. These phones not only provide you with entertaining features, but also allow you to do your work on your phone. Many of the big name brands such as Nokia, Samsung, BlackBerry, LG and Sony are making smart phones which support all of the latest technology. Today many of these mobiles contain an in-built GPS facility. Most of the latest technology phones also contain unique features in each handset model. They also contain many similar features in each different handset. Using the GPS map can enable you to see the entirety of your current location and give you a better idea about surrounding roads and areas. With this service, you will find it incredibly easy to find your desired location all through your mobile phone.
The Toshiba Tablet PCs becomes an Ideal choice

The current mobile phone market is thriving, with many companies offering their own versions and models of Touch Phones. Brands such as Nokia, Blackberry, LG and Samsung are all competing to achieve a greater market share and obtain overall dominance in the mobile phone market. Because of this, many companies are striving to produce the best touch phones and are making more technologically advanced handsets to attract consumers. As well as improving the performance of the phones, manufacturers are also making them more durable and attractive in an attempt to increase sales. Samsung are currently leading the race of the mobile phone manufacturers after the recent release of the Samsung Mythic, along with the Samsung Flight. While buying a touch phone, it is important to consider the durability and quality of the handset, bearing in mind that the most well-known brands have often achieved their success by producing reliable phones that are long-lasting.
There are several key features which show the importance of Touch Screen Phones and how they have added a new dynamic to the mobile phone industry. These mobile phones make good use of both Bluetooth and GPS facilities and utilize them in new ways. Watching video footage on your phone is completely different to before through the use of Full Touch Screen Phones. In the Full Touch Screen Phones you find two or three key buttons. These buttons are used to carry out a whole variety of functions that allow you to make the most of your phone and help it achieve its full potential.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Staples Plans To Gets Back To Mobile Phone Business
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Monday, March 7, 2011
Young People and their Mobile Phones

Mobile phone companies have been making cell phones especially targeted for the needs and desires of young people. Generally teenagers are seen as being crazy about mobile phones and they are always on the look-out for latest deal and the newest cell phone. Over 70% of mobile phones are owned and used by the younger generation; so many of the figures regarding the popularity and demand of mobile phones come from this age group. Therefore, mobile phone manufacturers design their cell phones and their range of features to meet the needs and desires of these young consumers.
Generally speaking, young people are much more interested in the latest gadgets than their parents are. The main draw for teenagers, when it comes to mobile phones, is the gaming and entertainment features on offer. A popular choice for adolescents is a cell phone that comes equipped with multi-media functions, like a good music player with high quality speakers. Added to this, these young cell phone users all like to have a decent camera so they can take photos of their friends and a large display screen for watching music videos. Increasingly, more teenagers are looking to buy touch screen phones, which are handsets that come without a key pad, so users rely on touching the screen to navigate their way around the cell phone. Touch screen technology is the latest feature to cause a storm in the mobile telecommunications industry.
A big factor when it comes to the mobile phones young people choose is how hardy the handset is. Owing to the active lives teenagers lead, it’s best for them to have a cell phone that won’t break easily and is easy to use. So mobile phone designers are now choosing to use a fiber plastic mix when it comes to making mobile phone screens, as they are less likely to crack. Such a sturdy mobile phone that has been recently made available is the SAMSUNG Axle.
Touch Screen Devices

Touch Screen Phones come equipped with many useful applications and functions, such as multi touch, Cloud technology and Windows Mobile to name a few. Many of these mobile phones have much more memory and storage compared to previous models. The processor and user-friendly operating system make them simple and speedy to use. The cameras found on touch screen phones are especially impressive, as many have LED flash, auto focus and high quality video recording features. As the economies in developing countries improve, more people will have the money to afford touch screen phones. Currently, for many, owning such a fascinating and technologically advanced phone is just a dream. However, market leaders, such as Microsoft, are aware of this and are now in the process of developing more wallet-friendly touch screen phones, so everyone can avail.
Another type of Touch Screen device is the Tablet PC; this is where users don’t have to use the keyboard or mouse to navigate around the computer. Generally, the standard size of a Tablet is around 12 inches, but some come in larger sizes. Tablet PCs are economical and are known to have long battery use. Owing to demand, the prices for a Tablet have come down since they were launched, but their standard of quality remains high.