The rate of the change of the communication technology is more or less similar that how fast it works. The other technologies may have taken many decades to reach at the advance stage but the common man has witnessed a rapid revolution in the field of cell phone technology in last 20 years. The pages of the print and electronic media are full with the news of the acquisition and merger of different corporations involved in the business of the mobile phone. The 2G and the 3G are buzzword in the field of communication technology. So the question knocks in the common man mind what the shit this 3G. The G stands for the generation or we can easily say that it is a set of technological standards. It has no connection et al with number of cameras or the available memory. The BlackBerry 9630 is the classical example of 3G cell phone.
The 3G is basically the wireless technology of the third generation. It is enhanced with earlier wireless technology like global roaming, access of multimedia application with advance features and transmission with very high speed. The 3G is basically used with handsets and smart phones to connect with network of internet to get the facility of uploading or downloading of data, surfing of the net and manage voice and video. The main advantage of the 3G technology over the 2.5 G technology is manifold higher data speed, fine audio and video streaming, browsing of web and warp at very high speed and the support of video conferencing. The modern day cell phones are well equipped with it.
It is the revolution of the 3G technology which has enabled the current generation smart phones rich in so many advance features. The components of the 3G standard make the mobile all in one tool ranging from verbal communication to browsing the internet game and the movie through the internet at the very high speed in any part of the world. The mind of the man which is the most fertile place in the world has no limitations. The smart phones supporting the 4G and 5G standards will be easily available in the hands of common man in few days.
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