Thursday, November 24, 2011
Blackberry 8120 Pearl Titanium VS. Blackberry Pearl 8100

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Choosing the Best Mobile Phone Plan
Choose the Best Cell Phone Accessories from Top Stores

Certain cell phone accessories are a crucial part of the cell phone we use. Because it is our privilege to choose with proper care the best accessories for all our gadgets, including cell phones, it is a good idea to do some research on different products before buying and using them. People tend to forget that original equipment manufactured for a particular phone is generally the best for it. Other products, if not chosen well, may cause irreparable damage to the cell phone. Generally, only a few among us have the habit of testing around with different company products with our branded cell phones in order to improve quality or performance. We must keep in mind that the manufacturer has put together the most compatible accessories together and produced this amazing device. We might cause problems if we keep on testing non-compatible accessories with our cell phones.
Nowadays, with a simple click of a mouse, the original accessories are available at our doorstep at attractive prices and even with stunning discounts sometimes. So why should we bother saving a few bucks by getting lower quality items when it might end the life of our favorite cell phone which, in the end, can cost us a lot more. Generally, the manufacturer of the user’s cell phone has a descriptive and informative website wherein the details of the compatible accessories, their features and the store to find them, are provided. So, all the user needs to do is navigate to the cell phone's website and browse through the catalogue of compatible accessories to meet their needs. In several cases, the price is also mentioned along with a store locator to help the user find the nearest store.
Due to the ongoing rivalry and competition among the online e-commerce sites, users have a lot to gain by ordering and shopping for cell phone accessories online. The same products are offered at unbelievable prices, along with free home delivery or payment on delivery options. Thus, there remains no excuse for the cell phone user to go for cheap accessories incompatible with the cell phone and put the cell phone’s durability at stake.
BlackBerry Tablets, A Step Above The Competition

Although both online product reviewers and Internet bloggers have all bewailed and purposely highlighted the BlackBerry PlayBook’s lack of native e-mail capabilities, this device will actually place its users ahead of those who have elected to use their competitors’ tablets. This is the case for two reasons. First of all, as it stands right now the only way BlackBerry PlayBook users can have access to standard BlackBerry contacts and e-mail is to use the BlackBerry Bridge software to interface with their BlackBerry smart phone. However, this is not the detriment of everybody believes it to be. BlackBerry PlayBook contacts is a far better contact management system then any of RIM’s competitors’ systems. For example, other companies’ Smart tablets automatically save any company’s or people that users have recently contacted directly in the address book. This makes non- BlackBerry contact systems unwieldy and even cumbersome. On the other hand , the PlayBook’s content management system is linked directly to a compatible smart phone, and only saves contact information for individuals listed in the phone's own address book. This may appear to be quite troublesome, because of the redundancy. However, despite its shortcomings, the PlayBook’s contact system is far easier to manage and to use as well.
Secondly, while many competitors have attempted to increase their product’s multitasking capabilities, only RIM has succeeded in this endeavor. There are two problems with their competitors’ multitasking software. First of all, some other Smart tablets lack the processing power needed for multiple applications to remain open simultaneously. Still others have created processes that are more than capable of doing this, but any application that is not currently being used fades into the background. This means that the user is required to manipulate their touch screen to navigate between open applications. Such frivolous activity is a waste of time and energy. BlackBerry users need not engage in these navigation activities that are required to operate other Smart tablets. Instead, the PlayBook allows users to open multiple simultaneously, by using software that behaves similarly to the “ALT + TAB” function used by most personal computers. This allows the user to freely listen to music while remaining productive, or entertain themselves with the wide variety of games available through BlackBerry apps. In conclusion, if you wish to avoid the pitfalls inherent in the other 4G tablets, then I suggest that you buy BlackBerry PlayBook, and remain a step above the competition.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The All Rounder BlackBerry Bold 9650 from Verizon

Compared to its predecessors, the BlackBerry Bold 9650 is a high gear Smartphone with powerful security features like the Blackberry Enterprise Server and lots more. BlackBerry Messenger, a pre-installed application on the BlackBerry Bold 9650, is a great medium to keep in touch with your friends and loved ones.
The QWERTY keyboard in the Bold 9650 is one of the best features as the keys are slightly raised and placed in such a way that you can perform quick and easy typing. When compared to a touch keypad, a physical keypad helps you to work faster as you can feel the keys. The Push to Talk feature allows you to communicate with 50 people simultaneously with the touch of a button. The BlackBerry Bold 9650 has a high quality camera with 3.2 mega pixels so you can capture precious moments of your life in high clarity. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server is an amazing feature that runs smoothly in the Bold to allow you to sync your data, contacts, calendar, etc, in a imple and secure way.
This new Verizon BlackBerry offers steadfast wireless voice and 3G network with Verizon Wireless connection. The Integrated GPS with the BlackBerry Maps application is really helpful when you are in a foreign destination. This feature lets you know where you are and where to head. The map is displayed in a user friendly manner to guide you through the right way to the destination. The Application Center on the BlackBerry Bold 9650 allows you to add or remove applications according to your requirements. All these options are easily accessible by navigating through well designed menus. You can visit the authorized website of Verizon or BlackBerry to find and install useful applications for your BB Bold 9650. Extended battery life is another useful feature. The BlackBerry Bold 9650 is designed to use less system resources and deliver the best results, thus it consumes less power. Verizon is about to release the BlackBerry Storm 3 to further enhance the user experience. It has an excellent support team to support all BlackBerry users. If you have any queries or any issues with your BlackBerry Smartphone, you can always get in touch with them.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Why Won't This Thing Work?

Herein lies the problem. We have all downloaded applications, programs, documents, videos, and other media. In fact many people down hundreds of files a day. Therefore, we all are aware of the fact that downloads do not always work as programmers intended. Furthermore, operating systems as well as the versions of programs installed on the customer’s device may not be properly formatted to accept the new applications. The customer is exactly that, a customer, network providers, and manufacturers do not expect their customer to be a technological genius.
Many companies provide technical support for their products. However, one of the best customer support services on the market today is BlackBerry PlayBook apps support. This service is available online, in stores, and through the phone. The website contains a list of frequently asked BlackBerry PlayBook questions dealing with a wide variety of subjects ranging from system requirements to the process of downloading and running the latest applications. However, if the customer still does not understand instructions given on the website, then staff at retailer is expert in the field of BlackBerry PlayBook support.
In closing, the owners of BlackBerry as well as their employees are not solely concerned with making money. These people are concerned with providing the best product possible to their customers. In light of these goals, many people have worked tirelessly to bring you the most innovative and easy-to-use technology as well as applications. At the same time, they understand that not everybody is immune to technophobia. Therefore, the company offers a wide variety of technical support intended to make the PlayBook work the best of its ability for its owner.
Monday, November 14, 2011
The Other Side to Smartphones

In the recent past, investments in the stocks of companies that are players in the giant wireless technology sector have proven to be quite profitable. In this sector, these companies are experiencing growth levels that other sectors could envy; furthermore, this sector presents amazing business opportunities, which cut across all nations both the developed and the developing nations. New products for instance, smartphones have played a crucial role in driving the usage of wireless devices further.
A smartphone is much more than a cell phone. In real terms, it is a phone that features built-in functions such that are typical of a digital assistant that is personal. Furthermore, they pack an array of functionalities and features in the handset that more or less makes them an information center that is mobile in addition to providing entertainment features to the user. These devices have features such as e-mail, web browsing and multimedia capabilities.
Some other models have sufficient horsepower that can be used to run software applications of a complex nature, for example, programs that have to do with car navigation. Higher-end smartphones also come with an MP3 player, a full-featured keyboard, and geo positioning systems. These devices actually represent a market segment that is small but is growing at a rapid rate.
Europe and Asia are trailblazers in as far as the adoption of smart phones is concerned thanks to the deployment of wireless networks that are quite advanced. Japan and South Korea are leading in the use of these products.
Some of the features of phones that most users find useful include the full operating system that facilitates mobile computing. With this device, it is possible to send and check emails, copy/paste important documents, and a host of other computer functions. These products also feature a number of applications that are available for download including stock updates.
They also feature a touch screen that displays, and it is also worth mentioning that the screens have a high resolution that make the navigation quite easy. In a nutshell, this product is one of the most functional touch phone that is currently available in the market. In addition, they have played a crucial role in making life much easier and convenient by providing adequate information and entertainment from a hand held device that is pocket sized. They also feature a video recorder in addition to a still camera.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
BlackBerry Bold 9900 Can save RIM

The QWERTY keyboard is the most modern keyboard layout available nowadays. Sending messages using this keyboard is much easier as it gives the user the ease of actually using a normal computer keyboard. In time, other cell phone companies realized its value and also integrated this feature into their phone. And now, it currently appears that a large majority of other brands carry this.
An important thing to remember is that this particular keyboard is general in all BlackBerry phones and cannot be regarded as the anticipated savior feature as far as RIM is concerned. This is why there is a need to mention other features within the Bold 9900 that are absent in the Torch 9860 and other earlier brands.
There is one major feature that sets this cell phone above all else and that is the processor power of 1.2 and 768 MB of random access memory. This gives the user the assurance that with this cell phone, one has the power of a super computer on their hands! So if you’re wondering when the general public will have the great opportunity to actually try it out, wonder no more. It’s not for long as the anticipated release of this much awaited cell phone from RIM has been set to mid-September within the US. However, the fact that no price has been set has given rise to controversy and questions have been asked as to whether it would actually be worth all this trouble, considering the fact that the latest model prior to this seems to be doing quite well.
Best BlackBerry Bold 9900 Deals That You Can not Afford To Miss

The BlackBerry Bold 9900 has one of the best operating systems that allow you to download the best applications ever. It runs on the Blackberry OS7 operating system. This sleek phone has got a 2.8 inch LCD display screen with high resolution. This is what will give you a clear display when checking pictures and videos. The high resolution will give you an easy time when typing. It will be easy to view text messages and e-mail. The big screen of this phone will give you a wide field of view.
The touch screen and QWERTY keyboard combination make this phone the best on the market. The choice of which style to go for is yours. The QWERTY keyboard will give you an easy time when typing messages and e-mails and is one of the features that will make it easy for one, especially when on social websites to chat with friends.
The BlackBerry Bold 9900 is a phone that is 3G enabled. This is a feature that will enable you download applications to your phone very fast. It is one phone that is very fast when it comes to download speed. It is also WI-FI enabled, thus allowing its users to access the internet for free when they are in a wireless internet zone.
The BlackBerry Bold 9900 is a phone that has an internal memory of 8GB which can be boosted to 32 GB using the Micro SD card slot provision available on this phone. This phone also comes with a 5-mega pixel camera that can also produce a flash. It also has the ability to zoom and the ability to take pictures of objects that are far away. The speaker quality of this phone is high, so you will listen to quality music. It has the best multimedia players that will give you a good time to listen to and watch your favorite music. To get the best BlackBerry 9900 price you will have to be keen when you are in the market.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Smart Phone, More than A Phone

When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone at the end of the nineteenth century, many people treated his new invention as scientific oddity. However, by the mid-twentieth century, the scientific oddity had changed the world. For the first time people were able to communicate through sound with others across nations and then across the seas. Many believed that the phone had reached the zenith of its development in the 1970s, when the first cellular mobile phones began to appear on the world's markets. However, designers have shown a gift for adapting old technology to new circumstances. During the late 1990s, mobile phones again began to show signs of life. In this new era of mobile phone-development was inspired by the development of a seemingly unrelated technology, the Internet. The late 1990s, RIM launched America's first smart phone, the BlackBerry. RIM or Research In Motion has continued to be one of the forerunners in the development of fourth-generation networks and fourth-generation mobile devices including smart phones and personal computer smart tablets.
The focus of this article is on the capability of fourth-generation smart phones. First of all, what makes a fourth-generation phone smart? This question must be answered in two separate parts. The first factor, which gives a “Smart” phone its supposed intelligence, is its ability to connect to the Internet via a onboard wi-fi connection. The second and the most crucial factor needed to make a cell phone intelligent is the application. These downloadable programs, which are available for download at RIM’s app store, are instrumental in allowing the phone to perform the tasks assigned to it. BlackBerry apps are specifically designed for use on only BlackBerry mobile devices. These programs range from downloadable games to applications designed to help subscribers stay connected vital services such as news agencies, weather services, and other public broadcasting media.
Due to the importance of the wi-fi connections built into the phone and the applications, RIM has divided its customer service and technical support departments between cell phone users and tablet users. This allows BlackBerry support to offer customers more expeditious and better quality service. While also allowing troubled subscribers the ability to speak directly to a person who is a trained expert in the operation and maintenance of the caller’s particular device. At the same time, RIM has also created an online version of technical support, which provides a list of the most frequently asked questions, and links to concise instructed answers.
In conclusion, thanks to the development of fourth-generation networks and devices, the phone has again changed the world bringing people of different nationalities and professions closer together.
Best Tablet PC at Shop Simple

The Tablet Pc is one of the most successful portable devices in the market today, next to some of the best cell phones. The success of this PC is attributed to its remarkable features and its attractive design. It has a lot of attractive function, and it being lightweight increases its portability. That is mainly the reason why a lot of people from different backgrounds and professions, and most especially the young consumers, are making the Tablet PC a must-have because of its advantages over the traditional desk top computers and laptops.
The Tablet PC comes in different sizes and brands from different manufacturers and so, the operating systems differ too. There are different brands available for the Best Tablet PC. Of all the brands, the iPad is one of the fastest selling Tablet PCs and operates using the apple IOS. Other tablets that are in the market with the iPad are based on the Google Android operating system such as the pocket-sized Samsung Galaxy tab, which is an Android 2.2 OS with a 3 MP camera, 32 GB internal storage, a 512 MB RAM at only 7 inches. In addition, it is exceptionally light in weight, making it easy to carry around. This Samsung Galaxy tab is in a cut throat competition with the iPad because of its features and the fact that it is a Linux-based Operating system tablet.
The other tablet in the competition is the 10 inch Motorola Xoom, which gives the user the best value for their money. It comes equipped with high-definition cameras and runs on the Android 3.0 Operating system. It comes with an expandable memory that goes up to 32GB, plus it has a microSD expansion and a HDMI output. It has on both the back and front, 5MP and 2MP cameras accordingly with a 10-hour long battery life. In addition, it comes with a WI-FI web browser and a video pack. The 9.8-inch high by 6.6-inch wide by .05-thick Tablets have a weight of 1.6 pounds and are powered by Tegra 2. It has a dual core mobile processor that supports Adobe flash that it uses to view games, websites and movies. Though it is an expensive PC, the Motorola Xoom is not a second rate Tablet.
The Windows 7 tablet PC is also another PC tablet in the market that is claiming its share in the tablet PC market. Some of the best windows 7 Tablets are found in the CES 2011 and include the Lenovo Ideal pad slate, and the Ases Eee EP121 Slate.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Renowned Telecom Companies Join Hands with BlackBerry

BlackBerry Smartphone have always been on top when innovation and excellence is concerned. There are different models of BlackBerry smart phones, each unique in its style. Now telecom and internet service providers have bundled their excellent together service with BlackBerry smart phones to accelerate the user experience to new heights.
BlackBerry Bold Series from T-Mobile
The BlackBerry Bold series includes the 9700, 9780 and the 9900. The new BlackBerry Bold series provides the boldest BlackBerry experience with an easy to use design which helps you to access your frequently used applications faster. The BlackBerry Bold series has been released with more multimedia, BlackBerry Maps and GPS, 3G connectivity, Wi-Fi support and much more.
BlackBerry Curve Series from T-Mobile
The BlackBerry Curve series from T-Mobile includes the 8520, 8900 and the 9300. They are sleek and stylish social minded smart phones, as they come with preinstalled applications like Twitter, Facebook and the new BBM. You can have more fun than before with the 5 MP camera and share your memorable moments with everyone in the loop. The super fast browser makes staying connected with your friends easier.
BlackBerry offered by Metro PCS
Enjoy the inspiring typing and viewing experience with the BlackBerry Curve 8530 from Metro PCS. It is designed so smartly so that you can send texts comfortably to your friends and colleagues with the QWERTY keyboard. The Trackpad navigation is another main attraction which allows you to scroll from first to last of websites by gliding your fingers. BlackBerry Curve 8500 series smartphone running on MAC will amaze you with its performance. You can sync calendars, contacts and notes with the applications you use most. BlackBerry Maps and GPS help you to know where you are and get the directions to your destination. You can get the best media sharing and viewing experience with this master piece.
The Best BlackBerry offered by Verizon
Verizon, being one of the most known and reputed telecom internet service providers, offers a wide range of BlackBerry phones. The BlackBerry Bold 9650, 9930, BlackBerry Curve 8530, 9330, BlackBerry Storm2 9550 and the BlackBerry Torch 9850 are the stunning smart phones that they provide. The BlackBerry Storm 3 will soon be added to the list. This new Verizon BlackBerry is embedded with BlackBerry 6.1 Operating System to add to its stunning performance. Each of these models is well known for its mind-blowing features.
The Best BlackBerry offered by Sprint
Sprint does not fall back in the competition. They have bundled their excellent service together with well other known high performing smart phones to deliver promising performance. They offer the BlackBerry Bold 9650, BlackBerry Bold 9930, BlackBerry Curve 9330, BlackBerry Curve 9330, BlackBerry Curve 8350i, BlackBerry Curve 8530, BlackBerry Style 9670 and BlackBerry Torch 9850. With so many models available, you might stop a moment to think which one to go for. You can review the features of each and every BlackBerry phones on the Sprint website, compare them with your requirements and then decide which one to pick.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Smart Tablets and Their Capabilities

Modern cellular phones are becoming increasingly small. While this is extremely beneficial in terms of saving space, and portability, the small size of most modern mobile phones is a double-edged sword, and does present the consumer with some interesting problems. For example, people come in a variety of sizes. Bearing this in mind, why should those companies that manufacture fourth-generation cellular phones expected all people to be able to operate their products without problems? Some people have difficulty manipulating the small keypads, and even touch screens, which come standard on these modern technological marvels.
Some consumers may like the features available on most modern cell phones, but they may find that their daily operation is far too frustrating for users. Is there a way 4G manufacturers can offer the same features available on modern cell phones on a larger but still very portable product? The answer to this question is a resounding “yes”.
BlackBerry has developed a larger, but still portable and powerful Smart tablet called the playbook. The BlackBerry PlayBook features include video chat, web browsing, and a variety of multimedia suites, which are available for download at BlackBerry’s online store. These tablets are just as capable as their smaller cousins, the smart phone and touch phone. Like the smart phone, also available from BlackBerry, the playbook is so useful to its operator, because of the wide variety of BlackBerry PlayBook apps (applications). These apps allow the user to do anything and everything they can think of ranging from downloading music and movies, to surfing the web’s many social networking sites. Apps are designed by contracted and self-employed programmers, and have been developed to serve a variety of professional and entertainment-purposes.
Although the Smart tablets are state-of-the-art, the PlayBook remains at the forefront of Smart tablet technology, because of the fact that each subscriber is connected, free of charge, to technical support, which allows the tablet to have access to easily downloadable BlackBerry PlayBook software updates. These updates allow you, the consumer, to use your PlayBook to work hard, and party even harder. These devices allow the user to have easier access to videos, documents, and any other web content they desire. The screens, which are larger than those found on most 4G phones, provide for the best portable high-definition viewing experience, including crystalline stereo sound. You know you're making the right play with the BlackBerry PlayBook.
Monday, November 7, 2011
The importance of Reverse Cellphone Lookup

The internet has helped people do so many things that we could never imagine, and that is why it is very important in today’s world. For example, when it comes to the reverse cellphone look up, you can do the whole process very fast and it will only take you a few minutes. For you to succeed in doing this, you will need assistance from the network service provider. The best service providers are those that understand their systems and procedures, and are able to give you what you want. When you have a smart phone, then you are really going to need a reverse cellphone look up that will help you operate your smart phone. There are so many reasons as to why you are going to need a reverse cellphone look up on your smartphone.
When you are going to select a service provider for your reverse smart phone look up you have to ensure that you get a service that is going to update their services frequently. This is so that you may avoid getting any wrong results on your touch phone. For most people out there it is very important when they do a reverse cellphone look up. This is because people love to find all the information they want; and the only way that they can do this is by using the reverse touch phone look up.
However, for you to achieve success on your smart phones then there are some things that you must do. One of the things that you must do is to select a service provider on whom you can rely. You must also check and ensure that they are one hundred percent accurate and reliable with their information.
For you to do this, it means that you get a very good company that can give you the service. When you check the internet, you will find so many websites that will claim to be leading in reverse cell phone look-ups. So justify first and then lookup for the services over the internet. Therefore, what you need to do is to choose the provider with the best reputation and service record. If you are looking for such a company, then the best place for you to look for it is on the internet, where you will find the best companies that will give you this service.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Why Use Smart Technology?

Smart technology is the latest technological craze to sweep a possible. People on every continent have embraced smart technology. What is Smart technology? Smart technology is any portable communications device, which is able to connect with the Internet. There are a wide variety of companies that have developed both cellular phones and personal tablet computers based on fourth-generation Smart technology. However, the first company to design these types of devices for public consumption was RIM, which fielded the first BlackBerry smart phone during the late 1990s, and has also distributed their first Smart tablet, the BlackBerry PlayBook just this year. Besides the fact that RIM was the first company to develop and market these products successfully, there are other factors, which may this company and their BlackBerry line a force to be reckoned with within the mobile communications market.
First of all, the ability to connect to the Internet is not what makes “Smart “technology” so innovative. What allows these types of technology to continue to expand their capabilities is the apps or applications? These are programs, which are written by both independent and corporate computer programmers. These programs are specifically designed for use on smart phones and smart tablets. If there is a problem that many subscribers are dealing with a daily basis, then there is probably an app designed to aid the user in solving said problem, whatever it may be. For example, there are applications, which help people keep track of their daily spending and diet. However, there are also applications that are specifically designed to help the user plan vacations and navigate their way through unfamiliar streets.
However, various types of phones, like personal computers, operate using a specific operating system. Common examples of operating systems include Windows and Mac. This difference means that each phone employs different kinds of applications, and many of them are not universally recognized. For example, RIM has created BlackBerry apps, which are custom made for use on BlackBerry phones and tablets. However, applications can be tricky little programs that are difficult to use and install. In an effort to address the customer's concerns, RIM has developed a certain division within their customer services department called BlackBerry support. This particular division of RIM’s customer and technical support arm is staffed with trained experts who can answer nearly any question about applications. These questions range from requests for instructions on how download and install apps, to system requirements needed to run these programs.
In light of this information, BlackBerry fourth-generation devices are some of the best mobile communications devices in the world.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
How To Unlock Your Verizon Blackberry Bold 9650

The new Verizon BlackBerry Bold 9650 is a smartphone based on the BlackBerry OS and is one of the most featured smartphones in today’s market. When compared to another popular BlackBerry Storm 3, this handset features a QWERTY keyboard and 2 GB memory micro SD card included in the pack. It features a TFT screen with 65 thousand colors and a display size of 480 x 360 pixels, screen dimension of 2.44 inches with approximate 246 ppi pixel densities. A touch sensitive optical Trackpad is also featured in this handset. It comes with a 3.15 MP camera, capable of taking photos at 2048 x 1536 pixels and even features autofocus and LED flash; is GPS supported in order to provide navigation, has Java support with the use of MIDP 2.0 and BlackBerry maps. There is a document editor for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF. An audio player includes support for MP3/WMA/eAAC+. The video player has built in MP4/H.263/WMV file formats. It supports data connectivity with EDGE featuring Class 10, with a speed of 236.8 kbps, 3G with HSDPA compatibility and a speed up to 3.6 Mbps and WLAN with Wi-Fi support. It supports Bluetooth connectivity v2.1 with A2DP. As this mobile comes locked with only Verizon service, many users find it difficult to only settle for Verizon, with no other choice available. However, this is not the case anymore. The BlackBerry Curve can be unlocked in order to use the facilities of other service providers.
Method to unlock Blackberry 9650 Bold:
1) turn the Power on button of the handset
2) select Settings
3) select Advanced Options from the Settings
4) select the Sim Card option from the list
5) press the ALT key and press the mep2
Please keep in mind that the user will NOT see what he or she types on the screen. It will ask for the unlock code. It is required to enter the code and confirm it by pressing the trackball in order to get phone unlocked.
For BlackBerry 9700 or Blackberry 9000 user has to enter a second code to unlock (ie, Bell), the user should repeat until step 6 and then press mep4 to enter the second code.
This unlocks the handset for various other Sim based mobile services available on the market. It is especially useful for the citizen of countries where Verizon service is either not available, or the user does not want to use it.