Touch screen Mobile Phones market is growing in very high speed. Lots of companies are entering into the line of telecommunication with new advance technologies. Each and every company trying their fate in this line of business, provide something new and unique in respect of technology. Everyone claims that their technique is unique and better but for a common man, it’s really very difficult and confusing to identify whether which product is better as per their requirement. To find answer to these questions, we have to appraise the top five Cell Phone models so that a clear view should emerge that which features are really capturing the eyes of the youth and which one is preferable for you. This survey is to be done just to make you aware about this market. Unless you will be well versed with the same, you will not be able to purchase a Mobile Phone which will suit your needs.
While conducting this survey, the first phone, which you will come to know about is the iPhone from Apple. It has been enabled with the technology, named 3GS. according to this technology, the phone has inbuilt 3 mega pixel camera, different functions for editing document, sending MMS (Multimedia SMS), stunning video recording ability and a lot more. This company gives importance to peoples need rather than just provide an attractive look.
Next company which is standing in the second position is the Motorola. It is making a popular phone called Droid. This smart phone is very popular in Italy, and once upon a time, when this phone was launched in that city, people go crazy for it. Its wider screen, 5 mega pixel camera, multitasking features and inbuilt 3 keyboards make it different and unique from other phones. At the third position, comes a phone, name Palm Pre. This phone is popular for its amazing Operating System which allows multitasking at the same point of time. Next phones, again comes from the house of Apple, called Chic, which is 3 G mobile. That means it provides three dimensional views with 16 GB data storage. Last but not the least is the Blackberry Storm. it has a amazing features like Wi-Fi.
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