In the early days, people just used simple and standard land line phone, then the era of cell phones arrived. These were termed as little portable devices but the technological advancement didn’t stop here, now it has resulted in the creation of smart phones. It is a fact that the human nature is never satisfied and each and every individual wants to have an immediate access to the things that are coming with upgraded version on the latest technology. No doubt that smart phones are competent of unusual electronic features but still, it is an advice to make a complete review of this smart device before investing their money in it. The following article is a complete guide for all those people who desperately want to become the proud owner of these smarts and handy devices. Here are some of the pros and cons of these smart devices:
Pros and cons of keeping smart phone:
Just like all other things, these phones also have negative and positive aspects.
Pros: It is the best combination of a mobile phone and a PDA. In fact, it is not wrong to say that it perfectly combines two things into one single unit. This is for sure a media friendly device and people will use to easily to enjoy both audio and video files. The cell phone software companies are fully supporting these phones especially when it comes to the upgrading the softwares. If you are an accessories lover, then this phone is the right choice for you because you are able to get many accessories with it.
Cons: These phones are not sound for those who don’t have a good vision because the screen of these phones is small and so the resolution is also not clear and people might face problem in reading or writing the text. The text entry of these devices is also very limited. Just like the pocket PC the smart devices are also missing some applications like pocket excel and pocket word.
By the above mentioned advantages and disadvantages, you will be able to take the wise and sensible decision of buying it or not.
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