There were times when it was a matter of delight to talk to the person who was very near and dear to us. We were so blessed to hear our near and dear one’s voice. That was the era of telephone. The simple basic phone. That was like a magic for us to have words with the person who is not in front of us. That was like a dream come true for us that time. Then it came the tern of cordless phone. But there was still a hurdle and that was of limited range. And finally here comes mobile phone. A new revolution in the telecom industry which completely changed the whole picture.
With the arrival of the cell phone one was able to talk to the person like that was in case of basic telephone. It changed the face of communication forever. It gave the freedom from wires. Now one was free to talk and walk simultaneously. And not only was that one now able to send messages and receive as well. That was the beginning of the journey of mobile phone. It was just a beginning. And from that time it has never stopped. Every week there is a new launch of mobile phone. There are features enough to surprise someone. Basically talking about the features of this mobile phone there is a device which is very sleek in design. And to support the working of the cell phone there is lithium ion battery which is rechargeable.
There are researches going on to develop new mobile phones every week. There are features you would be surprised to know, it has completely changed the way of communication. Now one is able to make a video call and able to see that person. One is able to send and receive e-mails. In advanced features in some of mobile phones like GPS. With this feature one is able to get the exact position any where in the world. it is very helpful where population is scattered and not very dense. Thanks to the new technology!
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