Now day, many latest technology become developed, day to day you can see many varieties of Mobile Phones may launches, now you get such Cell Phone as you want. Here you can get a chatting purpose phone or get a phones which also entertain you. For simple hand phone you have to easy communicate with its witnessed growth. Cell Phones is not came such recent years, but its history become much interesting, mobile phone also proffered a hand phone, earlier you can chat to other one by hand phones. Such oldest day, a hand phone is much demandable phone; it is only one path where you can communicate fast one.
For many of years, the communication to other one is only done by flying bird messengers, where you can get your message or transfer to others, you just use your birds and write a message in page and band with birds neck, the bird are good messenger where they send your message without much taking time. Day to day, here many of development are fabricate after the birds messages; a post office type service may launched after that. In bird message the one things is wrong that you send your message but you not be confirm about your message request is timely arrived to other one. So you have much worry about to confirmation of your letter. Now with post office service you can send your messages and you at least confirm that your message is surely transfer to other person with security.
But the one disadvantage of post service is that, it takes too much time to transfer your message. Now after post service, a hand held phone may arrive at you; where you can not send your message but also you can listens the voice of next person, and take a confirmation to other one that they received your message. So these all the good history of Mobile Phone, now day you have a many hand cell phone found at near you. You have many options to communicate other one very sooner without fear of the delayed message.
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