It’s probably no surprise that smart phones are growing in popularity. Smart phones are very necessary for our daily life. Now a day’s even we can’t do anything without a smart phone. With the help of a smart phone, the world is now in our hand. Now it has also become very easy to get. The history of smart phones takes us to the first smart phone called Simon, introduced by IBM in 1992.It was a very common smart Mobile Phones than ours, we have today. But it was also very necessary as this device contained calculator, address book, email, notepad& games. Later The Blackberry established more developed smart Mobile Phone. Now a smart phone has become a very casual thing for us. We can see a smart phone about in all hand.
Smartphone is very necessary device for us. It has become a major part of our life. We need it every sphere of our civilized life. Mobile Phonehas made our work easier, faster & correct. It has decreased the use of Computer now. What we did yesterday with a computer, today we can do it with a smart phone. Yesterday we had to start our computer to get email; we needed a diary for saving the smart phones. But now we can get our emails through a smart phone which is in our hand. We can also save addresses, document & different necessary articles in these smart phones. It has also made our work faster. We can use it while moving from one place to another. We can give you here some sorts of smart phones. There are different kinds of smart phones as-Blackberry, I phone, HTC, Nokia etc. Once they were very expensive, so we could use them rarely. But now they are not so expensive. So we can use them easily. Its dimensional size is also very nice for carrying. We can carry them very easily & also use them.
There is nothing which is an unmixed blessing. As smart phones have necessary sides, they also have some harmful sides. Sometime teenagers use smart phones which are very harmful for them. They sometimes use them in bad works. They spend their necessary valuable times in smart phones. Sometimes they watches pornography, chat with friends for a long time and it harms their studies. But after all, its necessaries are more than its harms. So we can say that Smart phones are very necessary for our daily life.
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