How does one identify which are the best cell phones available on the market? While some people want phones that are packed with messaging, document editing, multimedia features, music, video services, fast data network, and integrated GPR systems, others just want the latest phones on offer. Other people believe that phones with more features are better than the ordinary ones. Which of these is just the right status symbol in society; phones can say what kind of person you are.
It is beneficial though to have some idea before settling on what one might consider the best cell phone. One needs to identify the phones that are available in the market. The idea of cell phone commercial services has been there since the early 1970s, and since then, one can browse around to familiarize oneself with the several different styles and the many options there are. It is also important to learn the major categories of phones which can be from Flip phones to candy bar style phones to Personal Data Assistants (PDA) which are more business-oriented, to the latest models such as Pocket PC (PPC) phones, smart phones and a BlackBerry.
However, BlackBerry phones fall in their own group because they offer exclusive and special services offered only by the BlackBerry Company, RIM (Research In Motion). They are normally larger than other phones, can multi-task and are business-oriented devices. Many people choose them because of their way of functioning and features which accompany them. For any business-minded individual, BlackBerry has the best Tablet PC phones which can offer a true portable multi-Media experience with its unique abilities. Many of its styles of phones are touch screen-enabled and have a well-set keyboard with much easier text input area. They are installed with Bluetooth connectivity, Wi-Fi, expandable storage with memory cards and powerful cameras.
On the selection of the best cell phones, it is important to read up on such features very well before choosing them. One should first identify the provider that is right for them. Next up in choosing is the actual service plan of the phone provider, comparing the several options on features like the data plans and the text messaging. It does not pay to settle for a phone because of its popularity as some of this may just be too expensive with nothing about them that make them stand out. Care should then be taken as some provider companies provide raw deals on phones and services.
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